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Celebrating the Genesis 2 | Ephesians 4 Culture


Welcome to the culture

We desire to connect, encourage, equip, and network the community of believers who love, or are curious about the Creation Sabbath (20 Reasons) of Genesis 2, and embrace the 5 fold gifts given by Christ in Ephesians 4.  If there are living evangelists, living teachers, and living pastors, where are the living prophets, and living apostles who honor the Creation Sabbath in the Body of Christ?  We hope that all visitors to this website will be inspired by reading the various topics, categorized into eight sections from these two foundation chapters of the Bible (Gen 2, Eph 4).  G2E4.COM is designed to be a spiritual, virtual information station.  We hope the posts will grow your gifts and deepen your relationship with God.  Thanks for Subscribing!  May you be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!

Bonnie Briggs, Founder of G2E4.COM


Creation - Genesis 2:1 - Topics: entertainment (Music, Movies, books), arts and crafts, science and inventions

Sabbath - Genesis 2:2-3 - topics: Blessings of Sabbath, ways to celebrate, home church

Food & Garden - Genesis 2:4-17 - topics: Food, Nature, Garden, Home health

Marriage & Family - Genesis 2:18-25 - topics: relationships, trips/fun, pets, home school

Spiritual Unity - Ephesians 4:1-6 - topics: Unity with god, others, yourself

Five Fold Gifts - Ephesians 4:7-16 - topics: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, end time prophecy

Mind Renewal - Ephesians 4:17-32 - topics: teachings, personal stories, current events

Philanthropic Capitalism - Ephesians 4:28 - topics: giving, finances, home business, self-help/career